So cute..

Originally posted on Tarot by Cecelia: The reality of any losses incurred brings with it great wisdom; the wisdom to know what is left. Turn your focus to the positive in your midst and set your sights on a new destination. Things begin moving forward more quickly and even some lighthearted fun could be on…

via New Moon in Sagittarius – Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:18am EST — Lost Dudeist Astrology

Originally posted on Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology, Psychic and everything you need: 11/27 Moon in SCORPIO today means this is really rough deep waters. Swim carefully. Scorpio Moon Squares Mars in Aquarius This is a good day to do something daringly different, something you would never do. Scorpio moon likes to take a walk…

via Scorpio Moon conjunct Lilith, No DAPL — Grandtrines

My Intimate Journey To Self


In the last month or so, I have been going to work and enjoying what I do! I realized that I needed to jump into what it is that I love doing. That meant that I had to think and get organized and prepare presentations. I did just that and now I have my series of videos started.

You probably saw my first video about my book when I used cards to get started. This was the most comfortable way to address my fears and meet you. I wanted you to see me without makeup and just the raw and real, you could even say naked.. In that time I began to think, “I could explain my platform more effectively with a series of videos, and then lecture, or teach from my own experience”. So, now I have done that! My goals were set and met. I’m not perfect at it yet, nor will I ever be. I am constantly learning. There is much to improve, and I truly have “Joy” in doing it..




Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

October 6th Venus the Goddess of love conjuncts the Black Moon Lilith in UBER SEXUAL Scorpio at that 15th and most intense degree of the ZODIAC.

The LOVE GODDESS and LILITH who absolutely refuses to be tamed, dominated, or compromised are your Goddesses to go to. It is your sacred duty to allow them to live through you.

LILITH connects, Tara Greene.

Women, this is one of the hottest days and energies for you to demand that your sexual desires be met. Bring out your inner LILITH, your Whore of Babylon.  Honor your needs, refuse to compromise, and own your own sexuality. She is NOT a dominatrix. She doesn’t need to dominate. She wanted equality with ADAM.  Since women’s sexuality has been repressed for over 5,000 years part of the rebalance is to own your own needs first. Men  you always knew that women have all the power. If you really want to be empowered…

View original post 259 more words


I’m learning to think more positive. I reread my old post on wordpress.  I’m so very sorry for my past and I have learned so much from it and I am grateful for that wisdom. I forgive the old and move on to the new. It no longer serves me, and I let that go. I have faith I will be lead in the direction of my higher self, with the protection of wisdom learned, and love wins.

So today, I choose to think and live in the present in a positive frame of mind. For now on I choose positive, encouraging , and supportive atmosphere. Love, happiness and joy are in my life, and I am so very grateful and blessed..

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Source: As we sit to Blast Being One, we are maintaining a powerful flow of Love – Jamye Price

Originally posted on evadatdiva: ? This full moon is about stripping yourself bare. Remove everything external and examine each part of your self. The small of your back, your fingertips, your heart, your mind, your true desires. What’s left behind when you remove things outside yourself? What has meaning? What makes you feel alive? Fight…

via The Purge — Grandtrines